EXIT Foundation and a number of organisations gathered in the social movement “Green Revolution” made a public appeal today calling for the start of massive afforestation of Serbia. Signatories of this open letter, including the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, the Mountain Movement of Vojvodina, the Supernatural, Recan Foundation, and the groups Friends of the Forest and Defend the Forests of Fruška Gora, emphasize that it is scientifically proven that tree planting and afforestation are the simplest and most effective responses to climate changes, because trees are the best natural air purifier and carbon dioxide absorber.
The authors of the letter called on the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the competent ministries to publicly commit themselves to, in accordance with the Serbian Forestry Development Strategy, create and implement a national plan whose first goal is to raise our country’s forests from the current 28% to at least 40% of the total area. At the same time, the Government, cities and municipalities are urged to put a moratorium on logging of forests and public green spaces in order to stop the further decline of the forest coverage of Serbia, and it is emphasized that afforestation is also the most favourable method of fighting for cleaner air, also available to the countries with less developed economies.
The public appeal of the “Green Revolution” cites a United Nations statement that requires the afforestation of 6% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface to absorb and neutralise most of the carbon dioxide that humankind emits, which would almost halt the global warming process.
The signatories of the letter also reminded that environmental protection has been set as the top priority of the European Union and thanked for the support recently received by the EXIT Foundation for the afforestation of Fruška Gora from the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. It has been particularly emphasized that the stated goal is “above all ideological, racial, national, religious and political divisions. It is more important than any other goal, because without it there will be no other goals in this world. ”
In the end, the letter also states the wish to extend the initiative to the neighbouring countries: “Our whole region is endangered, and instead of being the greenest in harmony with its once world-known natural beauty, it is unfortunately European leader in terms of pollution,” states the “Green Revolution” appeal. An integral version of the appeal can be read on the site zelenarevolucija.org.