Find and recreate unforgettable moments at this year’s Sea Star Festival in order to win amazing EXIT prizes!
When were you “last seen” online? This seems to be one of the things people most want to know about us these days. Instead, let’s ask these questions: when were we last adored, when were we last kissed or last hugged, and when did we last dance?
EXIT Foundation and UNICEF have launched a campaign highlighting the crucial importance of in-person contact for mental health, especially for young people in the digital age.
You have the chance to be part of this campaign and win prizes such as:
- VIP tickets for EXIT 2024
- Standard tickets for EXIT 2024
- One-day tickets for EXIT 2024
- EXIT camp access
- EXIT merch
Let’s prove that face-to-face contact is irreplaceable! LIFE IS LIVE! Embark on an adventure you’ll never forget!
Throughout the Sea Star festival grounds, you’ll find messages in illustrated shells:
- #LastSeen
- #LastKissed
- #LastHugged
- #LastAdored
- #LastLoved
- #LastDanced
Your task is to team up with your favorite person or your whole crew, seek for these messages, recreate them through photos or videos, and share them on your public Instagram profile as a post in your Feed.
Here is how you can win prizes:
- Take a photo at the EXIT info zone by yourself or with the help of a professional photographer (photos will be available on the EXIT Festival Facebook and Flickr profiles the next day);
- Find and recreate at least three messages in your own way in front of them through a photo or video (Last Seen, Last Kissed, Last Hugged, Last Adored, Last Loved, Last Danced);
- Post the photo from the EXIT info zone along with your recreated messages on your Instagram profile as a carousel Feed post, tagging @exitfestival, @exit.fondacija, and @seastarfestival, and using the hashtag #LifeIsLiveAtSSF24
And remember: A true story lasts a lifetime!