And the fifth, jubilee Sea Star Festival will traditionally bring interesting non-musical events, among which the panel “Development of tourist offer in the off-season” focusing on one of the festival’s main missions, stands out.
With the panel, all visitors to the Stella Maris lagoon on 19 and 20 May will be able to get information, but also to become actively involved in the campaigns that have as their theme preservation of the environment, as well as in the large humanitarian action Stars4Kids.
The Sea Star Festival on Friday, May 19, starting at 6 p.m. on the festival grounds, will bring a panel “Development of the tourist offer outside the season” at which the speakers will be Mrs. Monika Udovičić, Director of the Directorate for the Organisation of Tourist Boards, Categorisation and Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, joined by Mr. Milovan Popović, Director of the Tourist Board of the City of Umag, Mrs. Silvija Ilišković Balagović, a specialist in real estate in the hotel and hospitality industry at the Hotelis company, and Mr. Dušan Kovačević, founder of EXIT and Sea Star Festivals, while the moderator will be Mr. Siniša Topalović, global Head of the advisory sector for tourism and partner in Horwath HTL.
Sea Star is one of the few major music festivals in the Mediterranean that take place very far from the peak of the summer tourist season. One of its main missions is to enrich the off-season content, which Sea Star is doing for the fifth time, bringing tens of thousands of young people to Umag and working on rebranding of the destination. The distinguished guests and experts from various fields will talk about what are the challenges and obstacles that such projects face, and what do they mean for the local community, as well as the complete blood system of the Croatian tourism, one of the key branches of our economy.
Sea Star’s cooperation with RECAN continues this season as well, through several activities:
Pixelata is a wall of 12 square meters with more than 2,000 used cans, which are used to create a large mural, a real work of art. Pixelata is a unique combination of art and recycling and is an impressive work in the creation of which all visitors can participate. In previous years, Sea Star fans have responded brilliantly and created several murals that both delight the audience and spread awareness about the importance of recycling.
Backpacks are a special attraction at the festival. Volunteers of the RECAN Foundation patrol with recycling backpacks on their backs, collecting cans. The backpacks are easy to see, eye-catching and branded, so all festival guests can put empty cans in them. The cans will be recycled and in just over a month they will be back on store shelves!
A multi-year project that is carried out at all events from EXIT’s festival family. In the STARS4KIDS campaign, stars who perform at festivals donate their personal item or object (instrument, clothing…) and sign it so that the collected items can be found in an online auction. The auction will be held in the near future at the global level, and all the money collected will be intended for the treatment of sick children.