EXIT Foundation initiated and led the candidacy of Novi Sad for European Youth Capital in 2018 and brought the City to the final round, whereas the youth organisations of Novi Sad continued with the started process and led the candidacy in 2019, achieving the victory for Novi Sad.
City of Novi Sad candidacy for European Youth Capital in 2019 was a sort of invitation to the youth to actively participate in own development and construction of their independence, and that was the reason for the candidacy motto “Novi Sad – OPENS its doors”.
Dedicated activism and continual work brought City of Novi Sad the title European Youth Capital 2019, after four years, covering over 500 activities, actions, campaigns and projects.
This title is granted to a European city for a period of one year, during which the selected city is offered to present its cultural, social, political and business life as well as the youth development programmes through multipurpose events. Novi Sad was granted the title in the second attempt, and it was selected for the final round a year earlier.